Accounting Cost: Meaning, and Types of Accounting Costs
The concept of Accounting Cost can be defined as an activity of recording the cost in the ledger accounts of the business so that it reflects in the financial statements of the firm. If there is a...
View ArticleWhat is a Temp Number and Why Should we use a Temp Number?
A temporary number works just like a permanent phone number. You can make a voice call, send SMS and in some cases also send videos, MMS and even photos. The difference between a temp number and a...
View ArticleWhat are Internal Links? Why they are so Important for SEO
You must have heard a lot about the significance of internal links in boosting SEO. Let us first understand what internal links are with a simple example- Internal Links Example – Imagine you have a...
View ArticleHow the pods approach can be an effective project management strategy
Read about the benefits of using the pods method for project management, and get tips on implementing this strategy. Chief Operating Officer’s insight: Project Operations Consultant
View ArticleKFC launches trial of horrific "Chicken Donut" /
KFC launches trial of horrific “Chicken Donut”… Chief Operating Officer’s insight: Project Operations Consultant
View ArticleHow to Successfully Manage Organizational Change
Anyone who wants to know how to successfully manage organizational change must learn change management. Here, we cover key concepts around managing change. Chief Operating Officer’s insight: Project...
View Article3 Tips on How to Avoid Losing Employees to the Gig Economy
The gig economy is defined as “a way of working that is based on people having temporary jobs or doing separate pieces of work, each paid separately.” In recent years, there has been an influx of job...
View ArticleDelhi's millennials would rather be parents than CEOs —
Owning a big house or a car was a priority for less than 2% of those surveyed. Chief Operating Officer’s insight: Diversity Reports
View ArticleHiring for Culture Fit Doesn’t Have to Undermine Diversity
Four common misconceptions are hurting companies’ talent strategies. Chief Operating Officer’s insight: Inclusion Reports
View ArticleWhy Luxury Fashion Brands Need Chief Diversity Officers –
A look at why it’s important for luxury fashion brands like Chanel, Gucci, Prada and Burberry to have chief diversity officers. Chief Operating Officer’s insight: Equality Reports
View ArticleThe future of work culture embraces differences and celebrates similarities
Dr Claire O'Connell spoke to three experts on the future of work at Inspirefest 2019, where they talked diversity, inclusion and culture. Chief Operating Officer’s insight:
View ArticleThe Art of Values-Based Innovation for Humanitarian Action
To truly benefit from innovation, humanitarian organizations need to regard it as a set of values that runs through all of their practices. The first of five articles in Humanitarian...
View ArticleBattling Bias in Hiring and Opening Up More Opportunities for Women and...
Interesting Engineering is a cutting edge, leading community designed for all lovers of engineering, technology and science. Chief Operating Officer’s insight:
View ArticleProduct Launch: What it is, Types, Advantages and Disadvantages
A product launch is an event which is organized to launch a product in the market. The product can be completely new or can be an upgraded version of the existing product in the market. A product...
View ArticleProcess Costing: Meaning, Features, and 3 Types of Process Costing
Process costing is a costing method of the goods which are produced through the repetitive procedure, method or processes. The method of process costing is used by the companies which produce products...
View ArticlePrice Gouging: Meaning, Examples, Pros, and Price Gouging Laws
Price gouging can be defined as a practice of increasing the prices of goods or services so high that it is considered exploitive and unethical. Price gouging is common practice during natural...
View ArticleLoss Leader: Characteristics, Examples, Advantages, and Disadvantages
A loss leader is classified as a pricing strategy where the product is sold at a lower price than the existing market price in order to pull the customers. This pricing strategy is used purposefully...
View ArticlePrice Competition: Meaning, 6 Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages
Price competition is a form of competition by which a product or service can compete with other products or services in the market only on the aspect of pricing. The competition or rivalry between the...
View ArticlePressure Group: Features, Functions, Examples, and Types Explained
A pressure group is a group which consists of like-minded people who works together to influence or to persuade a government or people in authority to change something or to do something. A pressure...
View ArticleMultiple Unit Pricing: When you should use it, and the Pros and Cons
Selling a product at a price lower than that of other products of the same category is called Multiple Unit Pricing. This is true, especially in case of bulk orders. Let us breakdown the definition. A...
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